‘For me an ideal artwork is something to fall in love with.
It has a power like a sacred object, something you want to return to again and again.
Every time you look at the artwork, it gives you something new to take with you.’
Nicolet Boots takes her inspiration from contemporary life, music, and nature. She loves to work in a variety of techniques. Large works on paper, encaustic on wood, and sculptures from plaster, concrete and encaustic alternate in her studio practice. Switching between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional work, makes for an ongoing dialogue, stretching the boundaries of her drawings and her sculptural work. At the moment she loves the tactile qualities of encaustic, an old technique consisting of melted beeswax and dammar, mixed with pigments. Lines play a central part of her art vocabulary:

A single line
a single line can tell a whole story.
a single line captures what I want to express.
a single line showing human beings, being human.
a single line, showing the bare essentials
Nicolet Boots was born in a little village in the Netherlands, near the North sea coast, about 40 km north of Amsterdam. She studied Art Management and worked in a planetarium, before turning to art full-time. After moving to Scotland, she pursued her passion for art with numerous classes in painting, drawing and sculpture, among others at the College of Art in Edinburgh, Scotland. The following years were spent in Denmark, Scotland again and Austria. Nicolet continued to nurture her love for art, making and selling art works, while raising a child with her husband. Since 2009, she lives in Munich, Germany, continuing her art career.
Artworks were sold to private collectors in the Netherlands, Scotland, Denmark, Austria and Germany.
In 2015 the Bayerische Staatsgemälde Sammlung bought one of her art works.
- 1977-1983 Petrus Canisius College
- 1989-1993 K.H.O Art Management
- 1995-1997 evening classes College of Art, Edinburgh
- ongoing life drawing classes, painting classes. Summer Schools
Short Vita
- 1965 born in Bergen, (N-H) the Netherlands
- 1988-1995 audio-visual program maker Planetarium Omnimaxtheatre
- 1995 moving to Edinburgh, Scotland
- 1997-1998 lives and works as visual artist in Copenhagen, Denmark
- 1998-2003 lives and works as visual artist in Edinburgh, Scotland
- 2003-2008 lives and works as visual artist in Tirol, Austria
- since 2008 lives and works as visual artist in Munich, Germany
Solo Exhibitions
- 2013 ‘Learning to Fly’ Kultüren, Sylvia Regelin, Munich
- 2012 ‘Good Times’, SPD-Büro, Munich
- 2012 ‘Memories’ Galerie Arja Decker, Hohenbrunn
- 2010 ‘I’ll do it anyway’, Kulturkeller 84 GHz, Munich
- 2008 ‘Nicolet Boots, neue Arbeiten’ Frauen im Brennpunkt, Innsbruck
- 2007 ‘Still stehen, weiter gehen’ Galerie H.L. Igls,Tirol
- 2005 ‘Neue Arbeiten’, Galerie Joris de Waard, Bergen, the Netherlands
Group Exhibitions
- 2016 ‘Boots-Austermühle/ Austermühle-Boots’, Schauraum Munich
- 2013 ‘Einblicke’, Galerie Arja Decker, Hohenbrunn
- 2013 ‘auf probe‘, Galerie Andreas Constantin, Munich
- 2012 Juroren Ausstellung, Kunstverein Ebersberg
- 2012 ‘Absolut Female’, Arthaus Diessen, Diessen am Ammersee
- 2011 Galerie der Künstler, BBK München und Oberbayern
- 2011 Lucas-Cranach-Ausstellung, Kronach
- 2011 Jahresausstellung Ebersberg, Kunstverein Ebersberg
- 2007 Art2rent, Innsbruck
- 2007 Gruppe 84 im Hofgarten-Gärtnerei, Innsbruck
- 2006 Kunstmarkt Tirol, Innsbruck
- 2002 London Art Fair, with Compass Gallery, London
- 2001 Compass Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland
- 2001 Festival Show, Patriothall Gallery, Edinburgh
- 2000 ‘Life Line’, Nexus Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland
- 2000 BridgeArt, Aberdeen, Scotland
- 1999 ‘Boots and Fisher’, Patriothall Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland
- 1999 Festivalshow, Patriothall Gallery, Edinburgh
- 1998 Sommerudstilling, Galleri Anne Marie, Kopenhagen, Denmark
Public Collections
- Bayerische Staatsgemälde Sammlung, Munich
- University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Privat Collections
Denmark, the Netherlands, Scotland, Austria and Germany